An Easy Way Women Can Out-Negotiate the Men

When women advocate for others, we stay within our societal roles.  We are not seen as aggressive and when we champion others, the behavior is expected, applauded and rewarded - a lot.  When we tap into this magic elixir we win (for us and others) every time.  Is this a double standard?  Yes.  Does it work? Absolutely.

4 Steps to Mastering the Fear Your Child Will Fail

I know I’m not alone in finding this concept of letting our children fail downright terrifying.  Here’s the modern-day myth: If they fail, then people will talk about them…and us…in whispers behind our backs.  Our children will never get into college, live in our basements and everyone will see what impostors we are as parents.  So for fun, let's treat this like a phobia.

Sending your kids to sleep-away camp can give them a competitive advantage - in life

This article first appeared in the Washington Post. Whether it's the YMCA, Scouts, a religious, or a more specialized camp, allowing our children to unwind and unplug can have huge benefits.  Even if you can't put it on a college application